
연구성과 1핵심 1-1세부
[학술발표] ▶1년차◀ [국내] 한국동물번식학회 2016정기학술대회, 손여진, Triladyl solution enhances sperm fertility and developmental capacity of bovine IVF embryos, 2016.06.16
  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 작성일 2017-01-15 19:38:51
  • 조회수 2611

Sperm treatment methods affect on sperm fertility and developmental potential of embryo in IVF system. The percoll gradient method is generally used for sperm treatment, but it has known that percoll component is toxic to sperm. In this study, we compared the effect on Jeju-Black Cattle (JBC) sperm fertility and embryo developmental potential using 3 types of sperm washing solution [percoll gradient method (SF group), triladyl solution (T group) and percoll-triladyl combined method (TSF group)]. JBC sperm was inseminated in 44 IVF drop contained 10 oocytes with sperm concentration of 1 × 106 cells/ml, and then 2 heparin and 2 PHE (20 µM penicillamine, 10 µM hypotaurine, 2 µM epinephrine) were added. At 2 days after IVF, the fertilization rate was the highest in T group and higher than in TSF group compared to SF group. The percentage of morulae and blastocyst formation was significantly increased in T group compared to other groups. In the total cell number, the T and TSF groups were higher than SF group, however, there was no significant difference. These results demonstrate that JBC sperm treated with triladyl solution enhances sperm fertility and embryo developmental capacity of bovine embryos. In further study, it will be performed on the effect of sperm washing solution on IVF embryo developmental capacity using time-lapse system.


이전글 ▶1년차◀ [국내] 한국동물번식학회 2016정기학술대회, 정상...
다음글 ▶1년차◀ [국제] 16th international symposium on developmental biotechnolo...